Tuesday, March 24, 2009

you aren't progressing and your wondering why?

Ever wonder why you get to a certain point at mastering something and then you cannot progress? Maybe you have a repressed talent that you hide from the world or even scarier you hide from yourself. The term is called limited belief's and it means when you believe in something based on what others have told you throughout your life. Certain doubts layer themselves on top of your dreams and ambitions. As a young child you are free from this ego based living, and as you grow up you get told/hear things, which you are brainwashed to believe. One of the first words you are taught as a child is the word NO - We were programmed NOT  to do certain things to protect ourselves from danger. This safety mechanism is definitely good therefore we don't jump out of airplanes or try and climb out of moving cars, but this is damaging to an area in our lives where we are trying to expand. As a child in grade school you are also teased by  your peers which can have an effect on the things you do as an adult. I remember being a young guy and seeing my dad play the piano - I always thought he was very good but he told me he got to a certain point and couldn't master it any more. When I began playing guitar I remember having this belief because it is what I had heard.  I was always told by my parents that I could do anything and the sky was the limit but something inside of me felt that I could not progress past a certain point on the guitar. After realizing how good I could become with enough practice, I began realizing my potential as a guitarist and progressively got better.  It is quite normal to have limiting beliefs in certain areas of your life. If there is a passion or something that interest you but you are afraid of what others might think - give it a try. It takes a lot of courage to do something against the opinions and views of other people. I did an open mic last night and saw a young girl get up on stage and play for her very first time- her voice was not that great but everyone in the room clapped the loudest for her because she took a chance to get up in front of 50 people or so. I forever live by this quote - "To do less than your very best is to sacrifice the gift."   Today is the day - do something you fear, take an idea that you are afraid to run with and sprint!

Enjoy the day

Geoff Goodman 

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