Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Three s's of life

I promised myself I would pay homage to my Dad for teaching me this theory that I live by day to day. In life there is a need for balance in everything we do. We must eat healthy but allow ourselves to splurge and enjoy the riches of life. We must take it easy throughout the week but allow ourselves to go out and get crazy every so often. This balance is what keeps life fun and entertaining. My Dad had told me when I was very young that their were three areas in life that need to be focused on which were; Sports, Social, and School.  Our first S - which is Sports reminds us of how our body is doing. How active are we? are we getting enough exercise, eating the right foods, getting enough sleep, and keeping both our bodies and minds in good shape.  The second S - Stands for Social which reminds us to interact and meet new people. How often are we going out with friends and not secluding ourselves, are we taking that leap of faith to meet new friends and contacts in our lives, and are we keeping our sexual selves happy as well.  The last S - stands for School which really means work or what I like to call our career. How well are you performing in your current position in the world. Are you happy getting up every morning? Are you completing the necessary tasks for promotion or to make more money? and are you doing the best that you can do every single day of your life?  These three S's are absolutely necessary to survive in life. If one S is down it affects the other two. Think about it - if your Sports "S" is down, are you going to feel happy with yourself to go out and raise your Social "S" Are you going to have the confidence to be fully focused at work and make business transactions? - More than likely No.  If your School "S" is down are you going to have enough money to be able to raise your Sports "S" and afford a gym membership to better yourself? Are you going to have the finances to go out to raise your Social "S"  These are just some examples for you to realize how important balance is in our lives, especially in these three areas of life. I am also a firm believer in stepping out of our comfort zones and doing things that we have never done but have an interest in. I attended a Dhyana Yoga Class around the block last night and was so impressed I will go back because it put me in a very soothing meditative state. I also have been performing my music in front of more people than I ever thought I would.  These two actions have drastically changed my life because I am so happy and happiness is the most important aspect in life. You will attract more to you, You will feel better, and You will succeed if you are simply happy. I hope all of you can take the three S's and  apply them to your life.  Make each day a new adventure and most importantly always be your best.


1 comment:

  1. If you would like an alternative to randomly picking up girls and trying to find out the right thing to say...

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