Monday, August 4, 2014

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Your beliefs and your success

Want to succeed in life? Change your beliefs, it's as simple as that. I know I've said it before along with countless other individuals in the field of personal development but it is extremely important for one to change his or her beliefs in order to reach a goal.
See. we all want a quick fix when it comes to altering our beliefs and our lives but in reality there really is no quick fix just  tools that can speed up the process.
About 3 months ago I had to change my beliefs about waking up at 6:00 am. My internal alarm and my cell phone wanted me to get up at 6:45am which would allow enough time to eat breakfast, drink coffee, and get to the office but I had a desire to change this so that I had an extra hour in the morning to be productive. I thought about all of the stuff I knew about personal development and used a few techniques.
I Looked at the situation from a different angle
I took a step back from the situation. I thought to myself there are countless people in the world who get up an hour earlier than I do (even some that wake up 2 hours earlier). I said, if they can do it why cant I?  This method of stepping back from the situation is important and can be applied to anything; weightloss, quitting a bad habit, starting a business, changing a belief, etc. Think about your situation. Ask yourself questions. One question I asked was, "if I go to bed at a reasonable time and allow myself 7 hours, isn't that enough time to sleep? Is the extra 45 minutes going to make all of the difference." 
I began to affirm
I said to myself, each night as I fell asleep, "I wake up each day at 6:00 am and have enough energy to go about my day."  I literally chanted this in my head. I began to believe these words in time and was able to reach my goals.
Set an affirmation for yourself - We do this in hypnosis sessions and find that clients have an easier time reaching their goals/altering their beliefs. Make sure your affirmations are positive and in the present tense.
Begin taking steps, don't just leap
When altering a belief it is important to take little steps as opposed to one big leap. I started setting the alarm for 6:30 for a few days, 6:20, 6:10 and finally 6:00a.  I believe that instead of taking a giant leap if we set these smaller goals for ourselves it won't be such a shock to the mind and the body. This same technique can be used to reach your weight loss goal, your sales targets, quitting a habit, starting something new, etc. Look at your goal as getting to the top floor of the house, you wouldn't just leap you would take the steps. 
Continue to set new goals

When I reached my goal of waking up early I continued to wake up early throughout the week. I set new goals which helped me wake up and stay excited. I knew that if I was going to continue to wake up early I would have to have a reason to wake up. If you are building a business, trying to lose weight, trying to rid yourself of a bad habit or anxiety, think about the motivating forces behind your ambition. Are you attempting something because it will allow you freedom in other areas of your life? Once you reach your first milestone are their other goals that you can set to keep you motivated? Think about these things.

I'm back and it's 2014

Hello fellow readers!

I have decided to continue writing in this blog after a long hiatus of blogging at I will start posting tonight or tomorrow - If you don't mind, could you comment below what you'd like to read? this would be a huge help!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Look Below!

For some of you who follow my blog - I have been inactively writing for the past few months. I have been very busy and will relocate new blogs to my business website - Please look and bookmark - I appreciate all of you following in the past and hope that you can keep up on the new location

- Geoffrey E. Goodman

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the Mind-Body-Soul Connection

Hello All !
I hope you had a nice weekend and have been getting pumped for the holiday season! Today I want to blog about the mind body soul connection, which most of you have already heard before. The way this works is that we need to create balance amongst the three in order to feel alive in this little game called life. Like the three S's of life (see earlier blog post) we cannot only focus on one facet, instead we must maintain balance and nurture all three! Basically I want you to think of the mind body soul connection as a triangle
Body - Body- Body
Soul -Soul-Soul-Soul-Soul-Soul

The Mind is on the top in that we must nurture it with knowledge and keep it free of clutter. Our studies do not simply stop once we complete school, they continue throughout our life in order for us to learn about ourselves and those we come in contact with. We must also train the mind to stay free of stress even in the toughest of situations. If this sounds hard try breathing techniques and or looking at problems from a different angles. Try Meditation, yoga, simple stretching, and even shutting your eyes while listening to relaxing music.
Once we nurture the Mind we move down to our body which must be fed empowering foods and exercised daily. We must not eat or drink in excess instead we should monitor ourselves that we are keeping a proper balance. Many people decide to eat fast food since it is a lot quicker but as time progresses the body feels sluggish and looks fat and not exercised. This greatly effects our mind and our ability to think clearly. When we decide to treat our body like an automobile; keeping it clean, well tuned, and properly fed we notice we instantly feel and look better radiating positive energy into the world. This brings me to the soul -
Our connection to the Soul is our connection to our highest selves. We cannot connect to this higher self unless we have treated our mind and our body with respect. When we are proactively doing the things we enjoy most, we are connecting to our true selves and will see much more synchronicity in our lives, bump into the people we need most, and we will radiate confidence. When we believe in our selves despite what others are saying, we connect with our highest nature. I like to look at other peoples negativity and their doubts as a personal obstacle - I see it as a hurdle and it gives me the strength to move in the appropriate direction for me! I promise you if you follow your gut feelings and stay true to your heart you will succeed in life. The reason most do not connect with him or herself on a spiritual level is due to fear - Fear of the unknown, the fear of what others think, and the fear of failing. As Susan Jeffer's says, "feel the fear and do it anyway."

- Geoff

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So you want to be a success ?

Hello everyone - I hope all of you have had a nice week so far despite the cold weather! Today I wanted to blog about becoming successful - Many people have a distorted idea of what being a success means, in that generally people associate it with money and or fame. After hearing and reading about too many who feel that way, I decided to look up the word "Success" in the dictionary. The definition of success is as follows; The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. (now I probably could stop writing the rest of this entry in that some of you are astonished by such a definition). Being successful, which any powerful person will tell you, is about choosing a goal and working each and every day towards that goal. Many people will argue and say, " a successful person is one whom is rich or has reached a high level of status and or fame based on a idea he or she came up with." As this may be true in the end - The money comes after you become successful. The amount you earn is in direct proportion to how much service you are providing for others. These people that you see all over t.v. have worked not harder than their peers but smarter to get to where they want to be. The question you have to ask yourself is, "how badly do I want it." If you want to be success take a good look at yourself in the mirror and really dig deep towards what's important to you. Put money aside and understand that you will make more money than you can imagine if you put your heart and soul into the line of work you want to do - Create a vision for yourself, and stay true to that vision.
I listen to a lot of motivational audiobooks which repeatedly state that the airplane, the computer, the lightbulb, the telephone, etc etc. were once not even imaginable. These ideas were ridiculed by people and no one in a million years thought these things would come into fruition except one person, the creator. Be a creator, imagine something and put your heart and soul into it. If you believe it, you surely will acheive it.
Another note on being a success, write your ideas down, and jot other ideas around them(this will stir the creativity around). Eat healthy, get adequate sleep, and treat your body well. All are essential for you to be fully creative and alert to the beauty of the world around us. Remember you are in the drivers seat - Think of it this way your soul or that being looking out of your eyelids is the driver and your body is simple the vehicle. It is your job to keep your vehicle in good shape and it is also your job to get your vehicle to the correct destination - There is place where we all belong, maybe there are a few places, only You know where that is.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The little voice that says....

Hello to all! and happy Thanksgiving!! I hope all of you completed your 10 day challenge and have noticed a dramatic difference in the way you think and feel towards every day experiences. If we maintain a positive attitude during even the worst events we will always stay calm and our minds will search for solutions rather than focusing on the problems!

Todays blog I would like to talk about the little voice inside of your head that constantly says, "you can't do this or that!" and the bigger voice that yells, "your the man! or "your the
wo-man!" These two voices are traditionally linked to what outsiders, rather than yourself tell you day in and day out. Many people do not realize that our brains act as recording devices and or answer machines. We may do something, for instance - Dance, and our best friend may say, "your a terrible dancer." Our subconscious records this into our brain and whenever we go to dance again, we question whether we look stupid or not in our mind - we lose control of our concentration during the act, which ultimately causes our body language to portray us as lacking confidence and we never want to dance again. On the flip side we may dance and our friend may say, "thats great how did you learn to dance like that?!" this response instills confidence into our brains and we feel good whenever we repeat the action. This is common with anything we do whether it be; dancing, singing, testing our intelligence level, speaking, etc etc etc - the list is endless!! If we let the negative chitter chatter get to us we will not feel confident in our actions which will let the little voice dominate and control our experiences!

I am a big believer that we truly become what we think most often. If we tell ourselves that we are talented, smart, well spoken, etc. this is what we will become - it is that simple. Pay attention to the words that you use when describing yourself in various situations. also pay attention to how you see yourself in different situations. People who know they are good at certain tasks will ultimately perform better than those who feel that they are no good. To test this idea take something that you may feel not up to par in. Really believe that you are able to learn and perform the task at ease. Create an affirmation to say each morning and night that you are confident and competent. practice the task daily and over time you will begin to see that your your confidence levels will shoot up and you will be able to do this task. If it is a puzzle of some sort or an idea that you may have but cannot find a solution to, by believing in yourself and focusing on a solution as opposed to the problem, your brain will flood with new ideas and guide you in the right direction!
A great tool is Visualization - This is when you Visualize yourself performing an action and succeeding. if you do this enough you will feel confident in your ability to actually perform the task. Many great speakers do this prior to giving a speech as well as many great athletes prior to game time. here is a breakdown -

1. visualize yourself having completed the task in a successful manner
2. Rewind the Visual in your head and watch yourself, step by step doing and succeeding in whatever it is that you are choosing to do.
3. Actually perform the task and feel confident in yourself that the end result will match your vision.

This actually works and there have been many studies proving that creative visualization helps professional athletes, teachers, doctors, test takers, etc.

I hope all of you have learned a little bit about how our thinking can affect how successful we are in various aspects of our lives. I hope you apply the techniques and invest in yourself as much as some do on meaningless possessions and or ideas. There are some great audio books and or paperbacks out there and if you want some suggestions feel free to email me at I hope all of you have a great holiday and remember - ""Think big, dream big and act big. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale talked about the power of positive thinking and how positive thoughts push us towards positive action and positive outcomes. By thinking big, we push our expectations higher, and the higher our expectations, the higher our actual achievements. Once we have big thoughts, it is easier to take big actions and then our chances of big outcomes dramatically increases."
-- Edward W. Smith

- Geoff
