Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The power of asking

I have written a previous post on the power of Asking the Universe for anything you desire but I did not brush up on the power of asking people for the things you want most in life. Many of us never ask for anything because of the fear of rejection or the feeling of being powerless. We may not ask that special woman or man on a date, we may not ask for a raise, we may not ask for help, etc.  This is due to the Ego saying that we will be ridiculed or shamed for our questioning.  I read a book last night entitled, "The Aladdin Factor" By Jack Canfield, which discusses  the power of asking people for the things we desire in life. He brings up a good point when he says, "If you never ask, for what you want, you will never know if you could have obtained it. By asking you can either get rejected or accepted, if you get rejected, you have not gained nor lost anything, you are just where you had started, therefore why not take a chance and simply ask?" The power of being curious is something that successful people have. They are not afraid to ask for help from other people. A success is not one who builds an empire alone but who rounds up a team of people to construct its foundation.  If you want a raise, if you want to ask that special person on a date, if you need help with something, make it a point to ask. Try it today and see your life unfold.

Enjoy your Week - 


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