Friday, February 27, 2009

Why be jealous?

Lately I have been hearing stories of people becoming jealous of other individuals. I often wonder why we as humans get so caught up in what other people have and  we end up drowning in our own pool of lack. If we focus on what WE already have, including; our talents, possessions, friendships, family, and our own well being we would be much happier. It is common to envy another individual for their successes, though it is often overlooked, that the possibilities on this planet are endless. We can be and do whatever our heart desires. Next time you find yourself jealous of another individual ask yourself one question. Do not ask -  "How can I get where he/she is."  Ask - "How can I get where I want to be." We All have our own unique set of talents and desires. What makes one person happy may not make you happy. I promise if you follow your heart you can have whatever you want, whether it is a childhood dream or earning a million dollars. The possibilities are endless - learn to bend the light and be YOU.

enjoy your weekend,

Geoff Goodman

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Living in Flow

Flow is a term which was coined by Psychologist - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, that is defined as; the mental state of operation in which a person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. 
Many of us reach this state from time to time without even realizing it. We may miss a meal, an obligation, or some other activity due to our involvement in the project. It is important to recognize these moments of flow in that they will help us understand what makes us truly happy. A good exercise to do, if you are like most people whom hate a job you are in, or you just want to figure out what you can do on your free time is to write down moments that you can remember reaching a state of flow. Focus on when you have felt good about doing a project or activity. From what you have written down branch out to something closely related to what you have down. For example; If you say you reach flow every time you analyze a new song you have just put onto your ipod, maybe consider becoming a DJ for parties. Evidently you enjoy listening to music enough to get lost in your own world.  If you say you really get excited and reach flow when your drawing caricatures of your friends, maybe consider doing this at parties and events.  These moments of flow happy at times when we are truly happy and doing what we are meant to be doing. Like synchronicity, harness the powerful energy and let it move you forward in life. 

have a great afternoon!

- Geoff

Monday, February 23, 2009

Utilizing your life's compass

Ever have a day when you are feeling down- possibly about yourself or your current situation? This is a normal part of life. I was recently feeling a bit under the weather and negative thoughts were forming in my mind. I am a very positive guy and was a bit concerned about these thoughts. I shut my eyes and attempted to remember a day in the recent past that I was happy. I made a mental list of the things that I did on that day and  realized something so important about feeling good.  When we are doing the things that we enjoy doing in life, we  are in full alignment with our true selves. Our feelings act as a guide to lead us in the right direction or the wrong direction in life.  This idea is so simple yet overlooked by many. I decided to ask myself another question to get some more clarification. At which moments was I the most happy when I was working at my last job?  I realized the days that I incorporated my passions into my life, whether it be that morning or evening, were the days that I was truly content. These were the days that I did not let stress bother me and  everything fell into place perfectly. I advise all of you to look back on your past and dig up the things that you have enjoyed doing and make you happy. These things as petty as they may seem make up your life's compass. Use your feelings as a guide and you will sure discover your true self.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ask the universe for anything and you will receive it!

Recently I have been doing a lot of reading on the universal law aka the law of attraction or as some know it, (the secret).  Some people think that this law is for crazy people while know that this law is real. When "the secret" came out, many people started believing in the phenomenon of being able to ask for things from the universe and actually receive them.  Oprah, glamorized the book and made nonbelievers - into believers. I read the book a while back and ended up doing a ton of research, which dated back to the early 1900's. I learned different terms for the secret such as metaphysics and the formless substance. I read and continue to read many great books, about great authors, and teachers of the subject and how they became successful.
I knew I always had a thing for coincidences and synchronicity. In the past I always noticed when people would say things to me and these things became true. Certain people were being mentioned to me and then moments later or days later called me out of the blue. I did not know how to harness the energy until recently. 
I decided to test this law out when my mom asked me how she could attract a dental hygiene job down in Florida. Her thoughts were so clouded with this economy garbage and I told  her to focus on what she wanted and to think positively. I said, Mom- repeat a mantra everyday - this mantra was. "I allow the universal law to work with me and for me,  to attract opportunities into my life. " I told her to say this every morning and every night. All she thought about was getting the job and 3 days later was presented two opportunities in one day! - incredible I thought. A few days later was my final day at work. After I left my position, I asked the universe for some help. I said that I wanted certain types of jobs to come into my life especially those with high income and were flexible. After a week of doing what I call, "the flash card method" these opportunities and individuals came to me.   To further test the idea - I told all of my friends that I was going to attract a silver half dollar by the end of this week. It did not matter how I got this half dollar. I thought about having it in the now. I never let doubt creep its way into my mind. I began asking places for a half dollar when receiving change and people thought i was nuts. I stopped doing this and started looking around for the half dollar. I had not one in my apartment, I did not find one on the street, nor did any of my friends have one. I went to the post office today to send a letter out  and upon receiving 66 cents in change, I looked at the cashier and asked, "If you had a half dollar that'd be a great help, I do not want to carry all of this change." She looked at me and  responded, "i actually have one left."  This proved to me that anything is possible.

Sink. Float. or Swim its your choice

In life we have many options. We can either Sink and be nothing. Spend our lives not forming any relationships, never using our skills,  and ultimately becoming meaningless. We can also Float and feel safe for our whole lives. Never take chances, never step out of our comfort zones, and never face our fears. Or  we can  Swim. Swim out into the distance, down into the great oceans floor, around the coral reefs and feel empowered. We can discover the unknown and go on an adventure. We can take chances and learn from our achievements and mistakes. We can jump over hurdles with the possibility of tripping and falling down. 
While Swimming is the best option, in my opinion,  many people still choose to Float their whole lives away. These people never move forward and it ends up taking a life changing event to change his/her ways. These people need the events; such as being fired from a job, seeing something they dont want to see, hearing something they dont want to hear, and experiencing something they do not want before moving away from the comfort zone. Few people choose to swim.  I want you to make a pact with yourself that you will do something you fear doing at least once today. Whether you read this next week or the week after set a goal and reach high for that goal. Whether its standing in front of a group of people, voicing your opinion, or speaking to an old friend. Face your fear and remember,  "Fear only the fear of never trying; for you may neglect the greatest gifts."