Thursday, February 26, 2009

Living in Flow

Flow is a term which was coined by Psychologist - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, that is defined as; the mental state of operation in which a person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. 
Many of us reach this state from time to time without even realizing it. We may miss a meal, an obligation, or some other activity due to our involvement in the project. It is important to recognize these moments of flow in that they will help us understand what makes us truly happy. A good exercise to do, if you are like most people whom hate a job you are in, or you just want to figure out what you can do on your free time is to write down moments that you can remember reaching a state of flow. Focus on when you have felt good about doing a project or activity. From what you have written down branch out to something closely related to what you have down. For example; If you say you reach flow every time you analyze a new song you have just put onto your ipod, maybe consider becoming a DJ for parties. Evidently you enjoy listening to music enough to get lost in your own world.  If you say you really get excited and reach flow when your drawing caricatures of your friends, maybe consider doing this at parties and events.  These moments of flow happy at times when we are truly happy and doing what we are meant to be doing. Like synchronicity, harness the powerful energy and let it move you forward in life. 

have a great afternoon!

- Geoff

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